Monday, December 2, 2019


Theology is a broad topic in any religious tradition, but especially in Unitarian Universalism. I find meaning in the classic definition that theology is "faith seeking understanding." "Faith" derives from the Latin for trust. Whether our faith is in something natural or supernatural, personal or impersonal, we trust in something we can rely on, to make sense of our world.
We UUs are free to define our faith in ways meaningful to us. But in our covenantal religion, individuals make promises to one another – promises that form communities greater than the sums of their parts. We each need faithful trust in more than just me myself, to enter together into those covenantal bonds. 
Christmas Eve service
UU Church of Greensboro
December 24, 2012

For myself, my spiritual life has led me to a faith in a sacred presence that I have come to know as God, and I know it also as Love. This ever-present Love is a source (though not the only source) for strength and inspiration. And yet, this in no way negates my faith in the overwhelming power of nature, the capacity of human community to offer healing and liberation, or many other sources power and meaning.
I‘ve come to value the importance of stories and metaphor, as a fundamental way in which we human beings make meaning in our lives. I appreciate the narratives of sacred scriptures from many traditions. Deep meanings about fundamental aspects of life are conveyed through these stories, regardless of their historical accuracy.

Eric...gave sound counsel and offered sage reality checks. But mostly he kept our eyes on the prize.

Linda Selsor - Olympia UU Congregation

Since seminary, I have been inspired by the stories of the life and ministry of Jesus. Like early Unitarian Theodore Parker, I reject the religion about Jesus, but affirm the religion of Jesus – loving the divine and loving humans, especially those marginalized and oppressed, while rejecting the idolatries of empire. I value these and other sacred stories, not for any literal truth they claim, but for the metaphorical truth of their teachings.
A church and minister with contrasting theological perspectives and emphases often find themselves matched together. This, I believe, is good, even healthy. We are called to affirm those people whose perspectives differ from our own. That includes hearing our various views on life and faith with minds open enough to be changed, even as we assert our core values.

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